Jamboree Information Webinars

Are you interested in learning more about the 2023 National Jamboree and the Seneca Waterways Contingent?

Join us for one or both of the Webinars that will be held over ZOOM.

The youth focused session will be a Youth focused session which will present the many adventure areas that will be available at the Jamboree, the shows, the travel, the development events, the leadership opportunities and more!.

The parent/adult focused session will discuss the items above and go into more detail about the contingent format, logistics, payment plan and fund raising and more.

45 minute session with Qs & As after

Unit Presentation Request

Interested in having one of our team visit your unit for a presentation on the National Jamboree?

We'd be happy to visit!


Put your name on the list to attend with the Seneca Waterways Contingent.